"Automatic update is turned off" message from XP Windows Security Center

After a successful malware removal on a client’s XP workstation, Windows Security center had a message “automatic updates is turned off”.  When I opened Automatic Updates from Control Panel, it showed it was on but never downloaded updates and using Internet Explorer to access update.microsoft.com returned an error code (didn’t write it down).
Answer was to re-register the windows update libraries.  Open Start > Run > cmd > OK to get into a command prompt. Type the following and wait for “DllRegisterServer in wuapil.dll succedded” message after each line.  After that, Windows Automatic Updates worked fine as did using the IE web site  update.micrsoft.com.  Tested with XP SP3, should work with Vista SP2 and Win7 SP1.
regsvr32 wuapi.dll
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll
regsvr32 atl.dll
regsvr32 wucltui.dll
regsvr32 wups.dll


AntiVirus and AntiMalware

You do not want an infected computer!  That is the fear that this particular crap ware variant plays upon.  By mimicking what looks to be an official security scanner, the software informs you of fake infections and asks for your credit card to unlock the full version features to clean your PC.  Do not enter your c.c. numbers anywhere!  That is the SCAM.
“XP Total Security 2011 is a deceiving security program that will pop-up excessive alerts and warning messages aiming to persuade computer users into obtaining the licensed version of the program. XP Total Security 2011 virus usually spread by means of a Trojan that is able to invade a computer by means of rootkit technique. With this method, Trojan or virus will be able to install itself on the target computer without being detected by any legitimate anti-virus application. Other variants of this applications includesWin 7 Total Security 2011 and Vista Total Security 2011. Their existence will provide several annoyances including browser redirection where-in requested web pages will be re-routed to a different server. As expected these web sites will able to download more threats on the already infected PC… Also, XP Total Security 2011 will block any applications to be executed. It will state the the opened program contains viruses and must be immediately remove with the full version of XP Total Security 2011. This deceptive method to promote a rogue program is always been a tactic by rogue developer. They will earn enormous profits from this online fraudulent activity so be careful with it.”
The removal of such nefarious software can be done for free.
Continue reading “AntiVirus and AntiMalware”

Print file contents of folder

The following will create a text file with the contents of the folder I:20001 to the file c:temp2000-01.txt:
Start > cmd > OK
Dir i:200000001 /b > c:temp2000-01.txt
There is no confirmation or error message displayed.  Just check the c:temp folder.

XP slow my computer flashlight searching and address dropdown slow

TS included Tools > Folder Options > Automatically search for network folders and printers and then net use /delete command below.
Final resolution was Stop and Disable “Windows Image Acquisition WIA” from services.msc

H:>net use /delete *
You have these remote connections:
G: redactedhome
H: redactedusersmshaff
I: redactedclients
J: redacteddata
M: redactedwp
P: redactedusers
S: redactedscan
Continuing will cancel the connections.
Do you want to continue this operation? (Y/N) [N]: y
There are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on the connect
ion to H:.
Is it OK to continue disconnecting and force them closed? (Y/N) [N]:

Link trackback: http://hansincorp.shikshik.org/2011/09/23/mycomputer-flashlight/

IPSEC error 10048

“Could not start the IPSEC Services service on Local Computer.
Error 10048: only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network adress/port) is normally permitted.”
1645-1646 – Used by IAS
1701-1701 – Used by L2TP
1812-1813 – Used by IAS
2883-2883 – Used by AUTD
4500-4500 – Used by IPSEC
Modify the following registry key:

Exchange 2007 Mailbox Quotas

Received a “your mailbox is almost full” message sent by Exchange 2007. Please reduce your mailbox size. Delete any items you don’t need from your mailbox and empty your Deleted Items folder.
Mailbox quota was already set via Exchange Management Console, but had no effect on warnings issued. Also, mailbox was almost 3GB at the time and not the stated 1948MB out of 2048MB from the warning.
Fix was applied to Exchange 2007 via the Exchange Management Shell.
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>set-mailbox “brenda” -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 5948MB
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>set-mailbox “brenda” -ProhibitSendQuota 5948MB
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>set-mailbox “brenda” -IssueWarningQuota 5148MB
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>set-mailbox “brenda” -ProhibitSendReceive “UNLIMITED”
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>get-mailbox “brenda”|format-list