Exchange 2007 Mailbox Quotas

Received a “your mailbox is almost full” message sent by Exchange 2007. Please reduce your mailbox size. Delete any items you don’t need from your mailbox and empty your Deleted Items folder.
Mailbox quota was already set via Exchange Management Console, but had no effect on warnings issued. Also, mailbox was almost 3GB at the time and not the stated 1948MB out of 2048MB from the warning.
Fix was applied to Exchange 2007 via the Exchange Management Shell.
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>set-mailbox “brenda” -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 5948MB
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>set-mailbox “brenda” -ProhibitSendQuota 5948MB
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>set-mailbox “brenda” -IssueWarningQuota 5148MB
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>set-mailbox “brenda” -ProhibitSendReceive “UNLIMITED”
[PS] C:WindowsSystem32>get-mailbox “brenda”|format-list

Access OWA using Safari & Mac OS10

Open Safari and click “Safari > Preferences”
Choose the “Autofill” tab and CHECK “User names and passwords”
Navigate to
Install Trusted Root Certificate
a. Click “Show Certificate”
b. Check “Always trust “server.domain.local” when connecting to “mail.server.tld”
c. Expand “Trust” section and choose drop down for “Always Trust” for everything.
d. Enter system password when challenged.
Login to OWA using mcgbusername and office password.
Choose “YES” to prompt “Would you like to save this password?”
Drag and drop address bar to desktop to create shortcut.